- Art
- On a mission to help those who are tired and in need in their life and looking for suppport of where to go next
- Promoting a healthy lifestyle
- Unlock your limitless power of the heart to inspire all that is good in the
- Supporting you towards your Self Realisation
- Qigong https://www.gamboni.art/10213834/qigong
Qigong is a Chinese form of meditation, concentration and movement for the cultivation of body and mind. Qigong does not only promotes physical health, but can also open the door to understanding oneself as a human being and the universe.
- Meditation Techniques
- Reiki for Humans and Animals
Reiki (pronounced “Reeki”) is a Japanese word (霊気). It refers to the cosmic life energy.
“Rei” stands for the universal, unlimited, timelessly flowing character of this power. “Ki” is the part of “Rei” that appears in all living things. Ki energy is known to all peoples and cultures. Other terms for Ki are “Chí”, “Prana”, “Light”, “(healing) power of nature” or “Ka”. It is a immaterial basic element that fills the entire universe with life.
All people, animals and plants need Reiki for their being.
Reiki, a tradition of natural and holistic treatment, was founded in Japan around 1920 by Mikao Usui. Reiki is now used internationally as a folk healing art.
“One goal of Reiki is to achieve holistic, physical and mental recovery.” Reiki brings body and mind into balance and works on all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
- Quantum Healing
- Art for Children and Adults
- Art therapy
- Joy of Love
For yourself and the others. One path can be tantra. Tantric love focuses on the intimate connection between partners through mindfulness and celebration of shared sensuality. Sexual activity is often an aspect of tantric love, but not the most crucial part. Practitioners report that tantric sex drastically differs from desire-driven sex with the goal of satisfaction
- Internal and External teachings
- Rollerblading
The joy of Rollerblading / Inline Skating
Focused stunts
- Boxing
Fitness Boxing
Light Sparring
- Coaching Running
short distance up to 10km and/or variations of running
- Snowboarding
basics Slopestyle big air. https://www.youtube.com/@joega6108